Dynamite project home bannerDynamiteBuilding the next generation of
Quantum Simulations
to tackle gauge theories

Welcome to DYNAMITE

From DYNAMIcal Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge ThEory

Nowadays, Quantum Simulators (QS) are the systems that can address, deepen our understanding of, and ultimately solve some of the most challenging problems of contemporary science: from quantum many body dynamics, through static and transient high Tc superconductivity, to the design of new materials. In DYNAMITE, we will design, realize in the labs, and characterize a new generation of quantum simulators with ultracold atoms and beyond.

Dynamite Goals

Quantum simulation of topological gauge theories

Topological gauge theories describe gauge fields that effectively change the quantum statistics of the matter field.

Quantum simulation of dynamical lattices

We will exploit quantum simulators to study matter fields living on lattice sites coupled to an independent dynamical field residing on links between sites

Quantum simulators of lattice gauge theory models

We will develop realistic implementations for analog quantum simulators of elementary Z2 lattice gauge theories

Discover Dynamite

Latest News

Tracing topological phase transitions with X-ray absorption techniques

An international team of researchers present in Reports on Progress…

A novel framework for describing how certain quantum systems avoid equilibrium

Researchers establish a robust theoretical description of many-body…

Dynamite partners at the ICAP 2024

Sarah Hirthe and Sandra Buob, both researchers from the Ultracold…

Synthetic dimensions: recent progress and future perspectives

In new a review published in Communications Physics, researchers…

QUIONE, a quantum simulator capable of observing individual atoms in a strontium quantum gas

Quantum physics needs high-precision sensing techniques to delve…

Researchers theoretically unveil high harmonic generation as a new source of squeezed quantum light

A team of researchers, some of them Dynamite team members, theoretically…

Mapping the future of quantum simulators at Trieste

The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste…

New analog simulators can facilitate the study of ultrafast dynamics processes

A team of researchers, including DYNAMITE project team members,…

Dynamite project members contribute to Cold Atom Workshop 2024

Several members of the Dynamite Project contributed to the recent…

Novel topological properties of matter emerge from an ultra-cold atom-cavity system

An international team of researchers reports on a new method…

Topological Bogoliubov Quasiparticles from Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Flat Band System

A team of researchers led by ICREA Prof. at ICFO Maciej Lewenstein,…

The registration for the “The Quantum Simulators of the Future” is open

The Italian city of Trieste will host "The Quantum Simulators…
Maciej Lewenstein, Honored as 2024 Optica Fellow

Dynamite team members at the BEC Conference 2023

The Bose-Einstein Condensation Conference 2023 took place in…

New Approach for Ultracold Fermion Quantum Simulation of U(1) Lattice Gauge Theories.

Quantum simulators provide unique opportunities for controlled…

Dynamite partners analyze the present and future of quantum simulators in the QUANTUMatter 2023 Conference

The third edition of the Quantum Matter International Conference…

Dynamite team members at the Spring School on Open-Source Tools for Quantum Computing & Simulation

Several partners of the Dynamite project participated in the…
