Quantum simulators based on cold atoms in optical lattices showcased at the “Conference on Quantum Technologies in Europe”

Monika Aidelsburger, researcher from Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics & professor at LMU Munich, and consortium member of the Dynamite project, participated as a speaker in the “Quantum Achievements and Challenges” session of the “Conference on Quantum Technologies in Europe“. The conference, organized by Quantera in collaboration with the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) from Spain, took place on November 22 and 23, as a satellite event of the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

Aidelsburger’s presentation, entitled “Quantum Simulation with Ultracold Atoms,” offered insights into the advancements in quantum simulation techniques utilizing ultracold atoms. He provided an overview of the present challenges, state-of-the-art, and researchers’ ongoing efforts to develop and enhance the simulation platform based on atoms in lattices.

The conference provided a platform for academia and industry key players in the field of quantum technologies to exchange knowledge, discuss challenges, and encourage collaboration across Europe in this rapidly evolving field.

You can recover the Monika’s talk in the following Here