Overall Objective

Quantum Simulators (QS) are the systems that can address, deepen our understanding of, and ultimately solve some of the most challenging problems of contemporary science: from quantum many body dynamics, through static and transient high Tc superconductivity, to the design of new materials.

DYNAMITE will design, realize in the labs, and characterize a new generation of QS with ultracold atoms and beyond, including also Rydberg atoms and trapped ions.

These systems aim to accomplish the following 3 general objectives:

Quantum simulation of topological gauge theories

Quantum simulation of dynamical lattices

Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theory models

These systems will be used to seek for the following when they are realized experimentally:

Design and control novel types of topological and chiral order, with potential applications to quantum computing and quantum memories

Design and study interaction between topological order and local symmetry breaking, as well as “weak” breaking of the local symmetry

Study statics of confinement-deconfinement transition, and more importantly its dynamics, relation to absence/presence of thermalizability

Experiment and theory will be intertwined in DYNAMITE. Its outcomes will provide researchers unprecedented control over key events at the cutting edge of quantum manybody physics

Expected Outcomes

Dynamite will provide fresh ideas and approaches to theory and experiment.

Dynamite will develop new experimental techniques in oirder to be used for the exact control of atom evolution in specific parts of the entire accessible Hilbert space.

Dynamite will create and put into practice new techniques for setting up the starting states in driven quantum simulators, as well as “sweet spots” of performance and techniques for state readout.

Dynamite will propose novel theoretical methods, such as advanced and new uses of tensor networks , exact diagonalization, new descriptions of quantum correlations, or novel machine learning uses

Dynamite will propose a novel approach to deal with the stability of gauge theory quantum simulators in full generality, directly affecting experiments done within and after the suggested time frame.

Dynamite will seek and design systems that exhibit novel phenomena of potential applications for quantum computing and quantum communications(topological and chiral order, topological memories, and related robust topological excitations).

Dynamite will analyse different state preparation techniques (adiabatic, diabatic, optimal control, etc.) for their suitability in the given context.

Expected Impacts

The following 6 impacts are pursued directly by the project.

Deepen fundamental and practical understanding of Quantum Simulators (QS) and their relevance for applied Quantum Technologies (QT)

Enhance robustness, scalability and flexibility of Quantum Simulators as a part of Quantum Technologies

Enhance interdisciplinarity in crossing traditional boundaries between areas

Create a diverse and inclusive quantum community

Spread excellence in Europe involving widening countries (Poland)

Build leading innovation capacity across EU, involving excellent young researchers, first-time participants, taking care of gender balance and diversity