Publications 2023

Non-Abelian gauge invariance from dynamical decouplingPhysical Review DReference article
Quantum electrodynamics of ultra-intense laser-matter interactionsPRX QuantumReference article
Steady-state Peierls transition in nanotube quantum simulatornpj Quantum InformationReference article
Accelerating many-body entanglement generation by dipolar interactions in the Bose-Hubbard model.Physical Review AReference article
Preface: characterisation of physical processes from anomalous diffusion dataJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and TheoreticalReference article
Accelerating many-body entanglement generation by dipolar interactions in the Bose-Hubbard modelPhysical Review AReference article
Stability of many-body localization in Floquet systemsPhysical Review BReference article
Ab Initio Derivation of Lattice-Gauge-Theory Dynamics for Cold Gases in Optical LatticesPRX QuantumReference article
Femtosecond pulse parameter estimation from photoelectron momenta using machine learningNew Journal of PhysicsReference article
Critical behavior of the Ising model by preparing the thermal state on a quantum computerPhysical Review AReference article
Certificates of quantum many-body properties assisted by machine learningPhysical Review ReasearchReference article
Phases, instabilities and excitations in a two-component lattice model with photon-mediated interactionsPhysical Review ResearchReference article
Quantum Fluctuation Dynamics of Dispersive Superradiant Pulses in a Hybrid Light-Matter SystemPhysical Review LettersReference article
Atom-number enhancement by shielding atoms from losses in strontium magneto-optical trapsPhysical Review AppliedReference article
Frustrated magnets without geometrical frustration in bosonic flux laddersPhysical Review ReseacrhReference article
Intermediate super exponential localization with Aubry-André chainsPhysical Review BReference article
Slow dynamics of a mobile impurity interacting with an Anderson insulatorPhysical Review BReference article
Tracking locality in time evolution of disordered systemsPhysical Review BReference article
Classification and emergence of quantum spin liquids in chiral Rydberg modelsPhysical review BReference article
Emergence of non-Abelian SU(2) invariance in Abelian frustrated fermionic laddersPhysical Review BReference article
Many-Body Magic Via Pauli-Markov Chains—From Criticality to Gauge TheoriesPRX QuantumReference article
Protecting Hilbert space fragmentation through quantum Zeno dynamicsPhysical review BReference article
Higher-Order Topological Peierls Insulator in a Two-Dimensional Atom-Cavity SystemPhysical Review LettersReference article
Topological phase detection through high-harmonic spectroscopy in extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chainsPhysical Review BReference article